Marija Mojca Pungerčar - Mortality Table Products > Hard (viewed: 36517, purchased: 45)
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An art project in the form of a thematic chocolate bar
Year: 2009

The chocolate

Technique: hand made chocolate
Net weight: min. 80 g
Ingredients: milk chocolate, min. 35% cocoa content, cocoa mass, cocoa butter, vanilla, powdered milk, emulsifier, soya lecithin. This chocolate may contain nuts and fruits. GMO free.
Best before: 9. 10. 2010
Produced by: Rajska ptica Chocolatere
Keep on cold and dry place (16˚C - 20˚C)


The informational booklet you can download below (booklet). With english translation.

The round table

The audio recording of the Mortality Table round table (5. November 2009) you can play and download below (playlist). The leaflet for CD you can downoad below (leaflet). 

Marija Mojca Pungercar - Okrogla_miza-Round_table (1:26:43) Download

You can preview and download some or all of the media on this  playlist

Photo: Nada Zgank, Marija Mojca Pungercar

About the project

The »Mortality Table« project is named after an actuarial table which shows, for a person at each age, the probability of surviving any particular year of age.

The project consists of a batch of hand-made milk chocolate bars imprinted with the data of life expectancy for men and women. The calculations are based on the DAV 1994R table which the Slovenian insurance companies are obliged to use.

This table is used by insurance companies to calculate life annuities. According to the statistics, women outlive men. Insurance companies use this as an excuse to pay out lower pensions to women even though they make the same payments for the same number of years as men.

The project aims to inform through pleasure. With it the author would like to call your attention to the way the insurance industry uses the demographic statistics, which she feels is a form of hidden discrimination against women in capitalism.

More at the project home site


Press clipping:

Katja Čičigoj: Tablice smrtnosti – dobesedno, COWeb, okt. 2009

Tina Dolinšek, Smrtonosna tablica čokolade, Tablice smrtnosti Marije Mojce Pungerčar, Delo, Kultura, 16. 11. 2009, str. 10

Vedrana Grisogono, Privlačila jo je umetnost - od nekdaj, Naša žena, št. 10, Oktober 09, str. 27 – 29

Aljaž Kovač, Marija Mojca Pungerčar: Tablice smrtnosti, Arsov logos, Radio Slovenija 1, 17. 11. 2009

Ida Hiršenfelder, Intervju z Marijo Mojco Pungerčar, Radio Študent, Sektor Ž, 7. 11. 2009

Studio City, Tablice smrtnosti, TV Slo 2, 16. 11. 2009

Marija Mojca Pungerčar: Tablice smrtnosti, by Cityofwomen; Vimeo, Oktober 09