Spiro Mason - Sounds from Squares (viewed: 76348)

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Title: Sounds from Squares
Artist: Dušan Zidar akka Spiro Mason
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Spiro Mason - Disk1 Track 01 (16:27) Download
Spiro Mason - Disk1 Track 02 (04:18) Download
Spiro Mason - Disk1 Track 03 (05:21) Download
Spiro Mason - Disk1 Track 04 (21:00) Download
Spiro Mason - Disk2 Track 01 (09:02) Download
Spiro Mason - Disk2 Track 02 (09:05) Download
Spiro Mason - Disk2 Track 03 (20:56) Download
Spiro Mason - Disk3 Track 01 (21:02) Download
Spiro Mason - Disk3 Track 02 (16:06) Download
Spiro Mason - Disk3 Track 03 (08:30) Download


Triple album by Dušan Zidar (akka Spiro Mason) is a study done by a "visual" person, who tests the sound immanence of a visual image (a photography), when it is translated from digital visual representation into sound representation.

"I’m not a musician and sound provokes me in a “visual” sense. These are some experiments with photos - how one would hear a photography that is silent when you look at it. I took software for editing sounds and imported informations of  digital images and converted them into sound. After that I further manipulated. I wondered how does it sound when extended in time - this reduced the noise and duplicated its time."