Borut Savski - Konkretizacije / Concretizations Audio Video > Sound (viewed: 23881)
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title: Concretizations
author: Borut Savski
Marko Košnik participated with vocal in Violin
production 1995, old studio of Radio Student
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Conkretizations are the results of some far-away trial to introduce (again) some experimental sound production in the studios of Radio Student Ljubljana. Initiated by Borut Savski and Marko Košnik, Ex-studio became only an introduction to some of the activities that followed. Let's mention just Ministry of experiment - the archives are also on these pages.

With all these radio - and broader: media - projects we tried to rethink the basics of radio (and later also: internet) media. This was not Slovene specialty, but Slovene transitional period was also an era of very lively international interest for practices in other countries, which were until a few years back divided by the Berlin wall. This lively interest for the other lasted to about the 1998 or 1999 - then it vanished.
On Concretizations album there are some of the basic/ conceptual/ raw experiments, but some are already veritable compositions. The title is of course allusion at musique concrete, because mostly the raw materials were used, and the rest were instruments - again as materials.

The production was going on in the late and night hours in the old studio of Radio Študent. Then there was not much digital equipment, but I could make use of a number oif high quality open-reel tape recorders and microphones.

A long time before - around 1979-80 - in this same studio some of the electroacoustic music experimenters were also working: Bor Turel, Boštjan Perovšek and Slobodan Valentinčič. Their recordings survived in the archives of Radio Student and were a decisive push to re-introduce the music and sound production at Radiu Student.