Various artists - Intermediate Spaces Graz - archives Audio Video > Sound (viewed: 65860)
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Title: Vmesni prostori | Intermediate Spaces | Zwischenraüme - Graz archives
Production: Trivia Art Ljubljana, ESC Gallery Graz
Year of production: 2006
Artists involved in the sound improvisations below: Reni Hofmueller, Jogi Hofmueller, Stefan Doepner,  Borut Savski, Boštjan Leskovšek, Dennis Tan, Luka Prinčič

IntermediateSpacesGraz - ISpacesGraz Track 1: Polyphonic Orchestra (00:29:8) Download
Intermediate Spaces - ISpacesGraz Track 2 (00:17:13) Download
Intermediate Spaces - ISpacesGraz Track 3 (00:07:55) Download
IntermediateSpaces - ISpacesGraz Track 4 (00:45:53) Download
ISpacesGraz Track 5 (00:05:8) Download
ISpacesGraz Track 6 (00:07:4) Download
ISpacesGraz Track 7 (00:21:48) Download
ISpacesGraz Track 8 (00:11:30) Download
ISpacesGraz Track 9 (00:23:3) Download

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Intermediate Spaces were a project of artistic and artists exchange between two urban spaces - Ljubljana and Graz. (from 23rd September to 1st October 2006 in ESC gallery and from 6th November to 10th November 2006 in Kapelica gallery). More than twenty artists took part in it. They presented already realized projects, current projects or their ideas. Intermediate space is a space that nobody owns - a collective space. We participate in it, but retain our individuality. It is a space of communication and not confrontation. The basis of it is the successful and equal exhange of roles - of listening and talking. This can be done with aristic languages.

Intermediate Spaces are also described as self-organized and open coded. The principle of open (source) code creation means an ability to have a look into the code, to rethink it anew - and change the code (codex, law, rules) when the previous solution (truth) does not work.

Reni Hofmueller, Jogi Hofmueller, Miriam Raggam, Divanova 06, Nicole Pruckermayr, IOhannes Zmoelnig, Renate Mihatsch, Seppo Gruendler, Rupert Lehofer, IEFS - Maki Stolberg & Ursula Kiesling, Fraenk Zimmer, Maru & CHMAFU Nochords, Karl Stocker, tonto music and comic label, Anita Hofer, Borut Savski, Marija Mojca Pungerčar, Stefan Doepner / f18institut, Luka Prinčič, Matjaž Manček, Boštjan Leskovšek, Chiron Morpheus, Dunja Kukovec, Keka Čalić, Milena Kosec, Nada Žgank, Irena Tomažin, Neven Korda in še kdo.

In Graz the Intermediate Spacestook place from 23rd September to 1st October 2006 as part of Steirischer Herbst festival, and in Ljubljani from 6th to 10th November 2006 in Kapelica gallery. Intermediate Spaces co-production of Trivia Art and ESC gallery, with paricipation of Kapelica gallery.

Intermediate Spaces webpage: