Borut Savski - Sisters K - Made in China Audio Video > Music (viewed: 244635)
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Author: Borut Savski
Title: Sisters Karamazov - Made in China
Year of production: 2007, 2008
Production of most of music: DUM

Copyright: Any use of compositions for similar usages (as for dance performance) is prohibited

Borut Savski - Arpeggio 1 (00:03:4) Download
Borut Savski - Harplike Piano (00:02:60) Download
Borut Savski - Arpeggio 2 (00:03:4) Download
Borut Savski - Arpeggio 3 (00:02:9) Download
Borut Savski - Moon (00:02:7) Download
Borut Savski - Rebeccas Beat (00:06:7) Download
Borut Savski - China Emperor (00:03:57) Download
Borut Savski - Banjo Style (00:00:57) Download
Borut Savski - Ifen (00:04:8) Download
Borut Savski - Banjo Buzz (00:02:3) Download

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pdf MadeinChina150Double.pdf

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Dance performance \"Brothers Karamazov / Made in China volume 2\" / contemporary dance work in progress

Idea & choreography: Mateja Bučar

1st presentation: 1., 2. February 2008, Stara mestna elektrarna - Elektro Ljubljana, Slomskova 18, Ljubljana, Slovenija

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This is exclusively computer music, mostly done on PC with Ableton Live software. In future some pieces may receive some postproduction, but we will see.

These are all basically very simple creations that define various dynamic or emotional atmosphers demanded by the dramaturgy.

It is quite clear taht sccenic music is not yet fully produced music, that could stand on its own. I might add that it is only 60-percent music. It is meant for the coloration of the moments within the performance, where it stands, because it is vigorously manipulated.