Vesna Debeljak, Borut Savski - Two radio stories (viewed: 44978)

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Title: Two radio stories
Interpretation and production: Vesna Debeljak, Borut Savski
Year of production: 1997
Context: Ministry of experiment
First published: Radio Student Ljubljana

Vesna Debeljak, Borut Savski - The Genesis (after Microsoft) (20:38)
Vesna Debeljak Borut Savski - Silver Corridor (51:43)

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Two radio stories were produced in 1997, within the framework and rules set by initiative called Ministry of Experiment at Radio Student Ljubljana. Vesna Debeljak and Borut Savski joined hands.

The Silver Corridor is an adaptation of a short story by Harlan Ellison, translated by Samo Kuščer. The text for The Genesis after Microsoft was circulating the forums of the internet, and the authorship seems to be lost.

The text for The Genesis after Microsoft was circulating the forums of the internet around 1997 and the authorship seems to be lost now.

Ministry of Experiment: