4. 5. 2004 – 8. 9. 2004

Zdelo se mi je, da ovinek med gozdom in stezo so vsi pustijo pri miru. Nihe ga ni kosil in nihe ni po njem hodil, zato je na tem kraju poganjalo bujno cvetje in jagodije. V zaetku maja pa so ga zasuli z zemljo, ki so jo z bagrom narili pri blinji hii. Kljub temu, da je zemlja ilovica, je kmalu ozelenela. Razen tam, kjer hodimo na sprehod. Priblino na istem mestu, kjer je bila stara steza, je nastala nova. ez poletja si je ta kotiek e kar lepo opomogel. Konec avgusta pa so tja spet nasuli zemljo.

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4 May 2004 – 8 September 2004

I had thought that the bend between the woods and the path was simply being left alone. No one ever cut the grass or walked on it so wildflowers and berries grew there in abundance. But at the beginning of May someone dumped earth there that had been dug up by an excavator at a nearby building. Although it was clay, it was nevertheless soon turning green, except for the path made by people taking walks. So that a new path appeared pretty much where the old one had been. Over the summer, this part of the meadow recovered quite nicely. But then at the end of August they dumped more earth there.

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2004 © Marija Mojca Pungerar