17. 5. 2004 – 6. 6. 2004

Pred naim blokom je umrl lovek, ki je ivel v sosednjem bloku. Kot mi je zveer tistega dne opisal sosed, se je zgodilo tako: ob pol desetih zjutraj je el moki ez cesto na kriiu, tam pa ga je po vsej verjetnosti zadela kap. Zgrudil se je na tla in bil na mestu mrtev. Mimoidoi so ga iz ceste ponesli v zavetje pred na blok. Pokrili so ga z rjuho. Prili sta njegova ena in sin. Zdravnik je rekel, da tu ni ve kaj storiti. Zveer je bil na tleh samo e krvav made na robniku. Kri naj bi zaradi pritiska stekla loveku iz nosu. De jo je kmalu izpral. Rokavice delavcev, ki so pokojnika odnesli, pa so na ivi meji leale e dolgo.

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17 May 2004 – 6 June 2004

A man who lived in the next-door apartment building died in front of our building. That night a neighbor told me what had happened: At 9:30 in the morning, the man was crossing the street at the intersection and right there had what was in all likelihood a stroke. He slumped to the ground and died on the spot. Passers-by carried him from the street to the walkway in front of our building. They covered him with a sheet. His wife and son arrived. The doctor said there was nothing more that could be done for him. In the evening there was only a blood spot on the curb. Supposedly, his nose had been bleeding from high blood pressure. Rain soon washed the spot away. For a long time, however, the gloves of the workers who had removed the body remained lying on the hedge.

photos & story

2004 © Marija Mojca Pungerar